Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fresh Start California

ONE REGULAR MORNING I woke up to a white 'popcorn' ceiling and hearing rustling sounds of someone turning over in bed. Hot under the unneeded blankets I kick them off and sit up to allow my eyes and ears to focus more. With my brain still half asleep I look around to try to make sense of everything and to find out where I am. The rustling was the turning over of a curly headed figure submerged under a bright green and blue striped comforter that matched the one I had been under. The textured beige walls surrounding me and  the family suitcases half stuck in a closet that lined the mirrored wall across the room confused me further as I remembered painting my room a loud teal with a brown strip on top, and all my clothing being sprawled across my bedroom floor. I could hear dishes clattering and voices talking, but not my dad's deep voice talking to mom as they made plans for the day, or Caleb's radio playing in the room beside me, but instead girls chattering and giggling. Sliding out of bed I open the door to see two girls walking around the living room and the little kitchen. 'Hmm, not Caleb', I thought. A cheerful smile comes from a sweet looking blond and a warming hello from a fellow Canadian. Then, a familiar face popped  from behind the counter and said 'Morning Beck'... MOMMY! By this point the lost puppy feeling was passing as events of last night came to mind. Flying in on my last flight of three, from San Fran to Redding, the waves of heat and sunshine that met my mom and I as we left the airport. Palm trees in the middle of the highway downtown, and mountains in the near distance towering in every direction.
 Jesus, you have sent me on quite the adventure to find where and how you want me. To find where I can be at rest in you, as I march into the spiritual battle field happening over the heart and mind as well as the physical battle field happening in the city around me. To find My Peace In War.

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